Orange Shoe Personal Trainers

Carrie Plovanich
NASM CPT, CF 2 , MAD SPIN, FIRST AID/CPR | Fitness Professional
Orange Shoe Park Ridge Personal Trainer
Carrie is as passionate about helping people reach their health and fitness goals as she is watching her kiddos play soccer! With her numerous fitness certifications, Carrie gravitates towards training people with a rock solid foundation in functional fitness. This helps clients to handle the physical demands and activities they find in their day-to-day lives. When Carrie isn't at Orange Shoe inspiring clients to achieve more, she's a mother of 3 kiddos who keep her on her toes with their sports and school activities.
Q & A
Q: Why did you become a personal trainer?
A: I weighed about 225 pounds after my 3rd child was born (in 2009). I was sad. I was uncomfortable. I was not in a good place. I knew something had to change. So I did it! I know what it takes to make those changes physically AND mentally. My goal is to set people up on the right path so they are EXCITED to make fitness/wellness part of their lifestyle!
Q: What has been one of your favorite client experiences?
A: When a client makes health and fitness a priority in their life. They make exercise something they actually “enjoy” rather than feel forced to do or dread. Fitness isn’t something you HAVE to do, it should be something you WANT to do.
Q: What is your proudest physical achievement?
A: I was a competitive CrosssFitter for a little over 10 years. I went from overweight stay at home mom to masters regional athlete. I've shared the podium with top ranked athletes. I've traveled and have had the opportunity to meet AMAZING humans & made memories to last a lifetime. What I'm most proud of is that I showed my children that hard work & dedication pays off!
Q: Why do you love Orange Shoe?
A: I love working so closely with clients. Not only on the “fitness” level but on the personal level as well. You aren't just a “client” to me, you are someone I care about. The more I know about you the better I can help you! I always say I need the client as much as they need me. Every client helps me become a better trainer!