Orange Shoe Personal Trainers

Chris Louey
BS | Fitness Professional
Personal trainer and group fitness instructor Brookfield
Growing up, I played many sports and lifted weights. In addition, I just completed my bachelors in Kinesiology and going into physical therapy school. I believe these experiences allow me to help others in a holistic manner where I can cater to a wide variety of goals. Eventually I want to specialize in athletic physical therapy, which is another reason why I became a personal trainer. By having a background in personal training as a physical therapist, I believe I can help people attain peak physical performance, which is something I am passionate about.
Q & A
Q: Why did you become a personal trainer?
A: I decided to become a personal trainer because I want to help others attain a higher quality of life through physical activity.
Q: What has been one of your favorite client experiences?
A: This summer, I was working with a client that is 101 years old. She came to me concerned about her declining physical capabilities and losing her independence. Initially, she came with a goal of maintaining her strength and balance, but there was potential of something greater. Instead of maintaining her current condition, I gradually pushed her to new heights. After a couple months, I noticed significant improvements in her strength and agility. Even the other residents in the retirement home were in awe of her capabilities at that age. When I first met her, she would come to my office to get help opening up her pickle jars and now she can open them by herself. Even though this may seem like a basic accomplishment, I am proud in knowing that I helped change her mindset to continue growing instead of being bound by preconceptions of old age.
Q: What is your proudest physical achievement?
A: My proudest physical achievement was when I was awarded the Pick N' Save student athlete of the week during my senior year of high school. I had previously broken my collarbone my junior year before the first football game and was out for the season. I had to work extremely hard to get back to where I was physically before the injury and even more to catch up to my teammates that had another full year under their belt. Eventually, I earned my spot back and played well enough to be awarded student athlete of the week during the middle of the season.
Q: Why do you love Orange Shoe?
A: I love Orange Shoe because it is designed for personal training specifically. It is not a commercial gym where anybody can come in and start working out on their own. This is nice because the equipment is dedicated to our clients and allows us to train without any distractions.