Orange Shoe Personal Trainers

Grant Dahlhauser
PN1 | Fitness Professional
Sun Prairie Personal training and group fitness
Grant is currently finishing up his 1 year fitness and recreation program at Madison College. He grew up playing football, basketball, soccer, baseball, and karate and always loved just being active as a kid. He really fell in love with fitness during covid when he found out how big of an impact can have on the mental health side of things. In 2022 he received his Precision Nutrition level 1 certification through Madison College and is currently working on finishing his personal training certification. Grant loves spending time with his friends and doing activities like bowling and golf in his free time. Grant is very happy with the people he has met at Orange Shoe and hopes to meet many more.
Q & A
Q: Why did you become a personal trainer?
A: During covid, I noticed that many people, myself included, experienced a decline in mental health. Trying to figure out ways to get my mental health back on track I turned to fitness. Now, instead of looking at fitness as just a physical tool, I have found a way to use it mentally and hope to do the same for others.
Q: What has been one of your favorite client experiences?
A: During my first couple of sessions shadowing at Orange Shoe, I was nervous about not messing up, and clients helped me get through them by being very friendly.
Q: What is your proudest physical achievement?
A: I had a lot of trouble gaining weight when I was in high school. I soon had an unhealthy relationship with food where I would stuff myself until I was full just to gain a little bit of weight. This affected me mentally so I switched up how I approached it. Now I have a healthy relationship with food and feel better than I have ever felt
Q: Why do you love Orange Shoe?
A: I love Orange Shoe because of the community and family-type vibe they have in the studio. Everyone, clients included, has made me feel at home as soon as I stepped through the doors.