Orange Shoe Personal Trainers

Scott Michel
BS, CSCS, Managing Partner | Fitness Professional
Pewaukee and Brookfield Owner and Personal Trainer
Scott started his career with Orange Shoe after graduating from UW – La Crosse with an Exercise Sport Science degree and a concentration in Strength and Conditioning and a degree in Education. Scott has been with the Orange Shoe family since 2004 and when he’s not helping clients as a personal trainer in Fitchburg, at the gym or running the business, he enjoys spending time with his wife and four kids in and around Madison! Scott enjoys any opportunity to create a new memory with his family and friends.
Q & A
Q: Why did you become a personal trainer?
A: I really enjoy teaching and coaching people to become better, whether that be fitness or any other aspect of their life.
Q: What has been one of your favorite client experiences?
A: Watching one of our clients recover from knee surgery weeks ahead of schedule. She credited her quick recovery to the training she had done at Orange Shoe.
Q: What is your proudest physical achievement?
A: When my wife and I had our twin boys we had four kiddos under the age of 5 which caused me a bit of sleep deprivation to say the least. Juggling early morning training shifts, leading a business and handling the family really created a new level of physical and mental stress that I had never had to deal with before. Now that the twins are 9 (and sleeping through the night) I look back and realize just how physically and emotionally demanding that chapter of life was for me and it helps me relate better to clients who are in that phase of life.
Q: Why do you love Orange Shoe?
A: I really enjoy the people we work with, both our team and our clients. We get to challenge ourselves and our clients to always take that extra step outside our comfort zones. That’s where all success begins.